Matt Cowlin

Matt Cowlin

App Developer & Experienced Marketer looking for new projects

What I'm working on

In 2012 I founded Teleprompter Pro which gained significant traction and later sold in 2023. I now focus on making Voice Teleprompter, Scrolling Credits Maker Pro, Building and a collection of Freelance Projects such as The Steak Shop and I Love Caviar

App NameRelease DateWhat Happened
PetCam - Perfect Pet Portraits10/19/2022Active
Creative Freedom4/24/2015Sold in 2015
Kids app bundle - goodie apps for children2/18/2015Sold in 2015
Video production bundle for iPhone2/18/2015Shut it down
Be productive - the productivity bundle2/16/2015shut it down
Money Management - Personal finance apps11/19/2014Sold in 2015
Roulette Predictor LITE11/25/2014shut it down
Clapperboard & Teleprompter Pro10/18/2014Sold in 2023
The Freelancer Pack11/19/2014shut it down
Script Writer Pro9/2/2014inactive
Colour Picker Pro7/26/2014Sold in 2015
Paint Anything1/8/2014Sold in 2015
To Do12/7/2013Active
Wedding Planner Pro LITE1/9/2014Sold in 2015
Wedding Planner.1/6/2014Sold in 2015
The Weather11/22/2013Sold in 2015
Clapperboard - Timecode Sync and Digital Video Slate8/16/2013Sold in 2023
Weather Graph - Perfect weather visualisation7/23/2013Sold in 2015
Countr - Counter can count anything7/20/2013shut it down
Typograph - Beautiful Typography & Graphics7/1/2013shut it down
Perfect Camera6/23/2013shut it down
VisuaWeather - Beautiful Weather6/16/2013shut it down
PlanWeek.ly3/2/2013shut it down
Don't break the chain - Productivity app12/7/2012shut it down
Digital Teleprompter LITE-Sold in 2023
Simple11/15/2012shut it down
Your Rate - The app for freelancers11/9/2012Sold in 2015
CodeBuddy - Learn how to code11/7/2012Sold in 2015
Money Pro11/3/2012Sold in 2015
Speech Bubbles!9/8/2012Sold in 2015
Plan your wedding - Wedding Planner Pro.9/8/2012Sold in 2015
Professional Digital Clapperboard - Timecode Sync and Video Slate7/23/2012Sold in 2023
Digital Clapperboard - Timecode Sync and Video Slate7/23/2012Sold in 2023
Milkshake Recipes - Make the ultimate milkshake6/21/2012shut it down
Digital Teleprompter Pro4/9/2012shut it down
HD Solitaire4/2/2012shut it down
A College Student Planner & Organizer3/26/2012Sold in 2015
Shopify - Calculate your shopping costs3/14/2012Sold in 2011 (yes, this was before Shopify)
Nearby - Local amenities & petrol station finder3/21/2012shut it down
trip3/8/2012shut it down
Universal Stopwatch-shut it down
Money Advice - Cut Back Calculator & Money Stretcher1/23/2012shut it down
Keep Calm And Carry On.1/23/2012shut it down
Amazing Mind-Reading Card Tricks HD FREE1/10/2012shut it down
Amazing Mind-Reading Card Tricks HD1/10/2012shut it down
Amazing Mind-Reading Card Tricks FREE1/10/2012shut it down
Amazing Mind-Reading Card Tricks1/7/2012shut it down
ClapperBoard - MovieBoard.1/4/2012shut it down
Seconds to New Year12/15/2011shut it down
Advent Calendar & Countdown to Santa!-shut it down
Push Up Counter-shut it down
iThought11/8/2011shut it down
Professional ClapperBoard11/8/2011shut it down
MovieBoard - ClapperBoard11/1/2011shut it down
The Wedding Planner10/26/2011shut it down
FindZee10/25/2011shut it down
Smoking Calculator10/14/2011shut it down
The Smoking Calculator10/13/2011shut it down
JotterPad+8/5/2011shut it down
Easy Magic Tricks7/24/2011shut it down
Phone Minutes7/20/2011shut it down
Smart Cards6/27/2011shut it down
Revision Cards6/17/2011shut it down
Monthly Savings5/31/2011shut it down
Puggles for iPhone5/26/2011shut it down
Puggles5/26/2011shut it down
Coin Jar Counter5/27/2011shut it down
The Golf Scorecard5/26/2011shut it down
Personal Bests Tracker5/27/2011shut it down
How To Make Apps5/22/2011shut it down
Face Chase5/22/2011shut it down
SMS Jokes5/17/2011shut it down
Meal Planner5/17/2011shut it down
The HotCalculator5/16/2011shut it down
Golf Clock HD-shut it down
Money Manage5/11/2011shut it down
Monkey Chase5/6/2011shut it down
Picture Alphabet for kids.5/3/2011shut it down
Stopwatch4/26/2011shut it down
DJ Roadie4/26/2011shut it down
Time Scale - Project Management4/29/2011shut it down
SoundBoard4/26/2011shut it down
Reward Chart for iPad4/26/2011shut it down
The LoveCalculator4/26/2011shut it down
Lucky Dip Picker4/26/2011shut it down
Driving101 - 101 Tips to pass your Driving Test.4/25/2011shut it down
SyncSlate Clapperboard4/4/2011shut it down
SyncSlate Professional Clapperboard3/16/2011shut it down
Roulette Predictor3/22/2011shut it down
Smarty Pants: Music2/10/2011shut it down
Smarty Pants2/1/2011shut it down
Wireframe Builder - Create Prototypes & Mockups2/15/2017ACTIVE
Video Teleprompter Lite5/19/2020Sold in 2023
Video Teleprompter2/5/2020Sold in 2023
Teleprompter Pro Lite.8/25/2014Sold in 2023
Teleprompter Pro - Script, Speech and Lyrics Prompter +9/10/2013Sold in 2023
Scrolling Credits Maker Pro6/19/2021ACTIVE
Voice Teleprompter - Speech Prompter with Smart Scrolling2/29/2016ACTIVE
Teleprompter Pro 27/28/2019ACTIVE
Voice Teleprompter Lite - Speech Prompter with Smart Scrolling3/9/2016Sold in 2023
Teleprompter Pro11/2/2012Sold in 2023
Teleprompter Pro Lite11/18/2012Sold in 2023